Best Fashion Moments from The Hills

2022-06-24 19:03:08 By : Ms. Ailsa Zhang

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Would literally wear all of this right now, sorry!

The Hills was a groundbreaking show for many reasons (Paris, as a city, has never been more relevant). Aside from giving us some truly top-notch drama (and giving Les Deux and The Dime a ton of free press), it gifted our middle school and high school selves some amazing fashion inspiration. Did all of it stand the test of time? Lolololol no. Unless you're inexplicably into layering several ripped up beanies atop one another and pairing them with your fave Hot Topic leather jacket, in which case, inspiring!

But in the interest of preserving The Hills' spot in American fashion history, and in case anyone out there is looking to blow off work/school/[insert responsibility here], behold! Here are 42 memorable and slightly deranged looks from this iconic show. Come for Lauren Conrad's collection of headbands and The Many Hats of Justin Bobby, and stay for literally everything Heidi Montag ever wore, including some expertly layered spaghetti strapped tank tops.

Also, when you inevitably come to the realization that you would, in fact, wear every single one of these outfits in our year 2022, don't worry, we're right there with you. And, as ever, reminder that no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in, no one else, no one else, can speak the words on your lips, k bye!

Sunglasses were strictly a hair accessory on this show.

That headband should have been given a supporting role credit in the intro.

Is it even a y2k fashion show if you're not in the wold's tiniest denim jacket?

Hello, I'd like to report a crime.

If your spaghetti strap tanks weren't awkwardly covering your belt loops, what was even the point?!

I credit this exact moment with 2022's corset resurgence.

If your boss doesn't let you wear this to work, get a new job tbh!

When in doubt, layer every single shirt you own.

Sunglasses should either be so tiny they don't work, or so huge they take up most of your face, nothing in-between.

What a time to be alive.

Sunglasses never asked for this.

Honestly, would wear every single thing he has on, next.

Not pictured: his acoustic guitar.

The first of many alarming fedora moments, so get ready.

Choices were made that fated day.

Help, why do they look like they're about to steal my husband?

It's giving Jessica Simpson in Newlyweds.

It was brief, but it was important.

Core memory activated: stealing my dad's polka dot tie to recreate this look.

She simply couldn't get enough of them!

More like girl who DID, EVENTUALLY, GO TO PARIS.

Scared to admit I am currently wearing something similar.

Deciding whether or not you're hot or cold can be a lot.

Lot to think about here.

No such thing as too many crystals dangling from one's neck.

Definitely did a double take.

Imagine running into this couple at Les Deux.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

There was simply no stopping this fedora.

Normal size for a necklace, it's fine!

Snow Heidi is my favorite Heidi.

Welcome to the most iconic moment of all time.

Less of a proposal and more of a drunken "let's get secretly married on vacation" but still. I'd say yes.

Nothing goes better with a tank top than a scarf, nothing!