Kosovo plans to filter the serbs in northPresident Vucic - Haber Tusba

2022-08-12 19:17:19 By : Ms. Helen Chen

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic claimed that Kosovo is preparing for liquidation of Serbs in Northern Kosovo “under the guise of of The fight against crime. “

he is also He denied that Serbia wants this attack Kosovo rejected allegations of recent shootings at Kosovo police in Central Serbia.

“Pristina using the situation in Ukraine campaign against And that Serbia is a lie you want attack anyone. But quite the opposite – Pristina is one want it attack The north of Kosovo and Metohija prepares for liquidation of Our King people, Vucic said.

About the August 18th meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Brussels, Vucic said he will meet in good But he suspects it’s not. possible to achieve results.

“They don’t want No middle ground. All they have said so far is that they will impose their will.”

The leaders will meet with A foreigner in the European Union policy European Union President Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajac special agent for Kosovo and Serbia dialogue.

European Commission spokesman Peter Stano said the EU cannot impose a solution on partners in Conversations, especially those who want to me join European Union.

He said she is not forced dialogue But the EU is only mediating to find solutions, but the parties must be prepared to make concessions.

Meanwhile, the US ambassador in Belgrade, Christopher Hill, said there is a greater possibility for real progress in conversations from for a new conflict on September 1, when a new Law in Kosovo takes effect Which imposes on everyone, including Serbs, who live in Kosovo, you have a Kosovo identity card and license plate.

Tensions escalated between Belgrade and Pristina in late next July of Planned implementation of Kosovo of The new Law.

Kosovo later announced She decided to delay new Measures until September 1.

called Vucic for dialogue to me resolve Issues with Kosovo.

Launched in 2011, the EU-led Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue aims to normalize relations between the two Balkan countries countries Find a mutually acceptable solution for Disputes in The framework of Legally binding agreement.

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, with Most members of the United Nations, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Turkey, recognize it as an independent, independent state.

Serbia still claims Kosovo as its territory.

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