New mixer for the Bilodev packing station

2022-08-26 19:00:54 By : Ms. Alice Z

Bilodev, the packing station used entirely for organic food products, has just been equipped with a new industrial mixer that achieves a homogeneous mix of dried fruits sold under the Natur’Avenir brand and sent to French stores specialized in organic products or exported to Switzerland or Portugal.

Equipped with a tank setting the mixture in motion with paddles, without damaging the product, the mixer is entirely computerized with a control screen: recipes for the mixtures, technical criteria of the machine, mixing time, mixing speed, vibration speed…everything can be customized to obtain the optimal mixture. Once the mixture is made, the tank is emptied and the mixture goes on a conveyor and into big-bags.

Controlling the chain of traceability and reducing the impact of transport “Thanks to the new mixer, 7 to 8 tons can be produced in a day. Before acquiring this new piece of equipment, we used to subcontract this service,” explains Jérémie Ginart, director of the Relais Vert group. “By investing in this mixer, Relais Vert has internalized the process, thereby confirming its desire to control the production chain from A to Z.”

Stable volumes of dried fruits Dried fruits were in high demand during the pandemic, thanks to their many benefits, but the market is no longer growing. “It varies between decline and stability, depending on the products, but our volumes are quite stable at the moment.”

Relais Vert has control over the entire production chain, from the TG DOC cereal chain to the consumer, via the Bilodev packing station and the distribution of its own brands through its logistics platform. This helps the group guarantee the quality and constant traceability of its products.

In line with the responsible commitments of the Group, waste management and fighting against waste are priorities within the packing station: cardboard and plastic waste collection, treatment of food waste through a return to the soil in partnership with Nextri, use of LED lighting and contracts with a “green energy” guarantee are some of the concrete actions taken to reduce the environmental impact.

For more information: Relais Vert Zone Bellecour 3 621 Allée Bellecour 84200 Carpentras Phone: 04 90 67 23 72

Publication date: Wed 24 Aug 2022 © / Contact

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